- Götgatan 10, 411 05 Gothenburg, Sweden
- Opening hours: 00-24
Short Term: Mon-Sat: 06-18: 30 kr per started hour
Short Term: Mon-Sat: 18-22: free parking
Short Term: 180 kr per day
Short Term: Sundays January-November 09-22: free parking
Short Term: Sundays December 06-18: 30 kr per started hour
- 2,1m
- 2.600 parking spaces
- 77 charging stations
- Car rental
Payment system
- Autopay
Payment information:
Do not worry about your parking time running out. With Autopay, you pay for the actual time you have parked.
At the entrance and exit, cameras are set up that read your license plate and thus keep track of how long you have parked your vehicle.
If you have been parked between 18-22, just drive out of the garage. If you have been standing for the remaining time, you can easily pay at the payment machine. For the easiest payment, create an account on autopay.io and register your payment card, then your payment will be deducted automatically at all Parkman’s facilities with Autopay. If you have time or miss it, you have 48 hours from the time you drive out of the car park to pay for your parking via autopay.io. If you do none of the above, an invoice will be sent to the vehicle owner with an invoicing fee.
General information:
In the middle of central Gothenburg right by the central station, you do not have to bother with parking tickets, get a control fee or end up in a queue at the barrier.
Park your car in Nordstan, shop, eat or go to the cinema in the city center. Then continue the day with a walk along Östrahamngatan past Brunnsparken and down to Avenyn. You can take it easy and experience Gothenburg as you do not have a parking ticket that expires. All payment is made in arrears.