Parkman i Sverige AB has now installed Autopay in Lindhagenhuset

Parkman i Sverige AB has installed Autopay in Lindhagenhuset. In the property Stockholm’s only supermarket are, Ica Maxi Lindhagen, there is also a Systembolag.  pharmacy, restaurants and more services in the house. The property is owned by Sius and Newsec manages the property.


Autopay is a leading parking system in Stockholm’s shopping center, which makes it easier for customers to park. Cameras read the license plate at the entrance and exit. In this way, the system keeps track of the parking time. All payment is made in arrears and the customer has four different ways to pay.
Customers in the garage do not risk receiving a control fee but pay for the time they park.
Parkman now operates the Autopay system in Westfield Mall of Scandinavia, Täby Centrum, Nacka Forum, Sickla Köpkvarter, Farsta Centrum, Haninge Centrum and others. It is also available in Karlstad, Norrköping and Gothenburg.