Tumba Centrum
- Tumba torg 115, Tumba, Sweden
- Opening hours: 00-24
Short Term: 07:00-22: 00: 3 h free parking per day. After that 15 kr per started hour. Maximum 100 kr for the entire period.
Short Term: Between 22 00-07: 00. 40 kr for the entire period.
Short Term: Utomhusparkering: 1 timma fri parkering, därefter 20 kr påbörjad halvtimme.
Short Term: Nattparkering på plan 4 mellan 18:00-09:00: 60 kr för hela perioden.
- Varmgarage 1,9m
- Kallgarage 2,1m
- 600 parking spaces
- 0 charging station
- App code: 7561
Payment system
- Autopay
- App parking
Payment information:
Pay only for the time you have actually parked.
Autopay is a camera-based parking system that reads your vehicle registration number at the entrance and exit and thus keeps track of how long your vehicle has been parked.
- Pay in the kiosk.
Enter your registration number in the payment machine before leaving the car park and follow the payment instructions. - Automatic payment through Autopay.io
Register on Autopay.io and enter your debit card then your payment will be debited directly from your debit card when you drive out of the car park. - Pay within 48 hours
If you have not registered your debit card and receive information at the exit screen, you can easily pay when you get home. By simply going in here. - Pay in the app
If you want to pay with the app, start parking through the app (Parkamo or EasyPark), then you can just drive out and your parking will end automatically in the app. - Invoice
If you choose not to pay for any of the above options, an invoice will be sent by post to the owner of the vehicle for the time you have parked. Then there is a fee for the invoice.
General information:
Tumba shopping center is located in southern Botkyrka only a couple of kilometers from Stockholm.
There you can shop what you need in one of their 40 stores. Or take the opportunity to eat a bite to eat in one of their restaurants.
There is no stress here. You only pay for the time you have actually parked. Therefore you can shop and eat in peace and quiet.