Sollentuna Centrum
- Sollentuna Centrum, Sollentunavägen 163, 191 47 Sollentuna, Sweden
- Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 06: 00-22: 00. Sat-Sun: 07: 00-22: 00
Short Term: Mon-Fri: 2 hours free parking per day. 4 hours free parking per day for customer club members.
Short Term: You pay 15 kr per started 30 minutes after your free time. Maximum fee 250 kr per day. Sat-Sun: Free parking
Long term: Staff parking 500 kr including VAT per month.
Long term: Commuter parking 600 kr including VAT per month.
Long term: Company parking 800 kr including VAT per month.
- 2,1m
- 1.500 parking spaces
- 20 charging stations
Payment system
- Autopay
Payment information:
Pay only for the time you have actually parked.
Autopay is a camera-based parking system that reads your vehicle registration number at the entrance and exit and thus keeps track of how long your vehicle has been parked.
- Pay in the kiosk.
Enter your registration number in the payment machine before leaving the car park and follow the payment instructions. - Automatic payment through Autopay.io
Register on Autopay.io and enter your debit card then your payment will be debited directly from your debit card when you drive out of the car park. - Pay within 48 hours
If you have not registered your debit card and receive information at the exit screen, you can easily pay when you get home. By simply going in here. - Invoice
If you choose not to pay for any of the above options, an invoice will be sent by post to the owner of the vehicle for the time you have parked. Then there is a fee for the invoice.
General information:
In Sollentuna Centrum you can shop in one of their 94 stores or enjoy a meal in one of their 22 restaurants. They have a food court that allows you and your company to avoid agreeing on one restaurant. Buy your food at different restaurants but sit together and eat.
Become a member of Sollentuna Centrum and you get four hours of free parking per day. You can become a member here.