Linden och Spiralens köpcentrum
- Drottninggatan 41, 602 32 Norrköping, Sweden
- Opening hours: Ankaret, and Lyckan: Mon-Fri 06-22, Sat-Sun 07-20. Spiran: 05-24. Spiralen: 00-24
Short Term: Ankaret: 18 kr/hour. Free parking on sundays.
Short Term: Lyckan: 18 kr/hour
Short Term: Spiran: 18 kr/hour. Free parking on sundays.
Short Term: Spiralen: 18 kr/hour
Long term: Under roof 00-24 private person: 1117 kr including VAT per month
Long term: Under roof 07.30-17.30 private person: 812 kr including VAT per month
Long term: On the roof private person: 505 kr including VAT per month
Long term: Under roof for companies: 1224 kr excluding VAT per month.
Long term: Under roof for companies 07.30-17.30: 816 kr excluding VAT per month.
Long term: Under roof for companies 17.00-09.00: 510 kr excluding VAT per month.
Long term: On the roof for companies: 918 kr excluding VAT per month.
- Ankaret: 2,3m
- Ankaret: 704 parking spaces
- Ankaret App code: 7615
- Lyckan: 2,3m
- 300 parking spaces
- Lyckan app code: 7606
- Spiran: 2,1m
- Spiran app code: 7613
- Spiralen: Outside
- Spiralen: 319 parking spaces
- Spialens app code: 7614
Payment system
- Autopay
- App parking
Payment information:
At Linden and Spiralen’s shopping center, you can park easily and conveniently with the Autopay parking system.
At each entrance and exit, cameras are set up that read your license plate and thus keep track of your parking time.
You can choose to park and start your parking via the Parkamo app. Then just drive out of the facility and your parking will end automatically in the app.
You also have the opportunity to create an account on autopay.io where you deposit your debit card and the amount is automatically deducted at all Parkman’s facilities with the Autopay system.
Do you forget to pay for your parking. Take it easy. You have 48 hours to pay for your parking from home. Go to Autopay.io and pay.
If you choose not to pay via any of these options, an invoice will be sent to the owner of the vehicle with a fee for the invoice.
General information:
Shop, socialize, go to the cinema or work out in Linden and Spiralen’s shopping center.
Enjoy your visit to Norrköping City and take the time you need, avoid feeling stressed that the parking time is about to expire or worry about a parking ticket after your visit. Without you paying in arrears for the time you have actually been parked.