Liljeholmstorget Galleria
- Nybohovsbacken 32, 117 63 Stockholm, Sweden
- Opening hours: 06.00-22.00
Short Term: Mon-Fri: The first two hours are 20 kr per started hour, then 30 kr per started hour. 160 kr per day.
Short Term: Sat-Sun: Free parking 2 hours per day, thereafter 30 kr per started hour. 160 kr per day.
Long term: Day parking Mon-Fri 06-19: 1,300 kr including VAT per month.
Long term: Day parking Mon-Fri 06-21: 1.500 kr including VAT per month.
Long term: Residential parking mon-fri 17-08 + weekends: 900 kr including VAT per month.
Long term: 00-24: 1.734 kr including VAT per month.
- 2,1m
- 900 parking spaces
- 8 charging stations
- Car wash
Payment system
- Autopay
Payment information:
In Liljeholmstorget Galleria, you do not have to plan your parking time for your visit. Take the time you need. All payment is made in arrears.
Become a member of Autopay.io and deposit your debit card, then your debit card will be charged automatically in all Parkman’s facilities with the Autopay system. Pay at the payment machine after your visit. Drive home and pay within 48 hours on Autopay.io. If you do not do any of the above, an invoice will be sent to the vehicle owner with an invoicing fee.
General information:
Park in one of the 900 parking spaces that Liljeholmstorget Galleria offers.
Shop something in one of their 90 stores and treat yourself to something good to eat or have coffee.
When you are here, you can take the opportunity to get a recond, repair your car window or wash the car at EcoShine.
If you shop for more than 200 kr at Willys Hemma or Ica Kvantum, you get two hours of free parking.
Ask for your voucher at checkout. Only one voucher can be used per visit.