Kista Galleria
- Hanstavägen 55, 164 53 Kista, Sweden
- Opening hours: 00-24
Short Term: 2h free parking thereafter 55 kr per started hour, 400 kr per day.
Long term: Unreserved parking space 1.858 kr including VAT per month.
- 1,9m
- 1127 parking spaces
- 4 charging stations
- App code: 7546
- Car wash
- Service and inspection
- Car rental
Payment system
- Autopay
- App parking
Payment information:
With Autopay, you park smoothly and easily with a camera-based parking system. At the entrance and exit, there are cameras that read your registration number and thus keep track of how long you have been parked.
No ticket is needed and you do not risk receiving any parking tickets. Read more about Autopay and how to pay here.
General information:
Take your time when you visit Kista Galleria. With Autopay, you do not have to worry about the parking time running out and risk a control fee. So stroll around and shop in some of their 180 stores. Take a lunch break to settle down their food court. There is something for all tastes, everything from Italian, Swedish, fast food chains, Turkish to Indian. And best of all, you do not have to choose the same restaurant to sit together and eat.
When you visit, you can also take the opportunity to hand in your car at Carhub on level -2.
There is Mekonomen offering high quality service and repair. Carspect which offers car inspection. And EcoShine where you can get help with, among other things, recond, tire change and washing. If you use any of these services, parking will be free of charge.
You also have the opportunity to rent a car in Kista Galleria, as Hertz is also in the garage and offers this service.