Haninge Centrum
- Opening hours: 00-24
: 3h free parking 12 kr per started half hour. SEK 250 per day
Short Term:
- 2,1m
- 850 parking spaces
- 5 charging stations
Payment system
- Autopay
Payment information:
Do not worry about your parking time running out. With Autopay, you pay for the actual time you have parked.
At the entrance and exit, cameras are set up that read your license plate and thus keep track of how long you have parked your vehicle.
If you have finished your errands in 3 hours, just drive out of the garage. If you have stayed longer, you can easily pay at the kiosk. For the easiest payment, create an account on autopay.io and register your credit card then your payment will be deducted automatically at all Parkman’s facilities with Autopay. If you fail to pay, you have 48 hours from the time you drive out of the car park to pay for your parking via autopay.io. If you do none of the above, an invoice will be sent to the vehicle owner with an invoicing fee.
General information:
Haninge Centrum is a shopping center in Handen with 90 shops and restaurants. They offer 3h free parking per day.
Here you can shop everything from fashion, health care, electronics, interior design to sports & leisure, food, hobbies & toys.
You can take a break from your shopping and take the opportunity to eat at one of their restaurants or cafes that they have.
Or why not try rollerblading, playing pool, bowling or shuffleboard? Because it is the case that in Haninge Centrum you will find Rollers Bowls that offer all this. And with a car park where you do not risk getting parking ticket or keeping track of the parking time, you have the opportunity to do all the activities without a less pleasant surprise after your visi