- Marknadsgatan 7, 754 60 Uppsala, Sweden
- Opening hours: Outdoor parking: 07-02 Garage: 07:45-21:30, Cirkusplatsen: 00-24
Short Term: 3 hours free parking, per day after the free time 20 kr per hour
- 2,3m
- 1.489 parking spaces
- App code: 17630
Payment system
- App parking
Payment information:
When you park in Gränbystaden, there is always 3 hours of free parking, after that you need to start your parking via the app.
General information:
At the modern shopping center Gränbystaden, you will find everything you could possibly need with as many as 160 shops, restaurants and cafés. There are about 1500 parking spaces to use both in the garage and outdoors.
Gränbystaden is one of the most expansive parts of Uppsala and the plan is that within a few years it will be fully integrated with Uppsala’s inner city.
With walking distance to Gränbyparken and the playground Väderleken.