- Frösundaviks allé 15, 169 70 Solna, Sweden
- Opening hours: 00-24
Short Term: 35 kr per started hour. 210 kr per day
Long term: Reserved parking space: 2,786 kr including VAT per month
Long term: Unreserved outdoor parking space: 1,989 kr including VAT per month
Long term: Unreserved space indoors: 2,388 kr including VAT per month
Long term: Parking space with charging option, reserved: 3,316 kr including VAT per month
- 2,1m
- 280 parking spaces
- 5 charging stations
- App code garage: 7562
- App code outdoor: 17563
- 2 parking spaces for the disabled
Payment system
- Autopay
- Ticket machine
- App parking
Payment information:
In the garage we have the simple parking system Autopay. It is a camera-based parking system that reads your license plate at the entrance and exit and thus you only need to pay for your actual parking time. All payment is made in arrears.
There are several different options to pay for your parking in this garage. Read more about how you can pay here.
If, on the other hand, you choose to park in the outdoor car park, you can either buy a ticket at the payment machine or start your parking via the app.
General information:
Park next to the Radisson Blu Royal Park Hotel. You can either choose to drive your vehicle down to the garage or to park outdoors.
In addition to a fantastic location and a relaxing spa, this hotel also offers “Street food in the park”. Where you are served food and drinks over an open fire in the garden.
Take a walk to Hagaparken and enjoy the nice walking paths along Brunnsviken. See Haga Castle where the Crown Princess lives with her family. Walk on to Gustav lll’s Pavilion.
Or why not go to Fjärilshuset Haga Ocean and experience life below and above the water. Walk around among free-flying butterflies and take a look at the sharks in one of the Nordic region’s largest shark aquariums.