
Huvudstagatan 1A, Solna, Sweden


  • Huvudstagatan 1A, Solna, Sweden
  • Opening hours: 07:00-21:30

Short Term: 40 kr per hour. 200 kr per day

Long term: Reserved parking space 24 hours a day for privat persons:2.000 kr including VAT per month

Long term: Reserved parking space 24 hours a day for companies: 2.500 kr including VAT per month


  • 2,1m
  • 1,9m rental parking zone
  • 100 parking spaces
  • 0 charging stations
  • App code: 17626

Payment system

  • Ticket machine
  • App parking

Payment information

Choose to pay for your parking with the App, either Parkamo or Parkster. It is a good solution that means that you only have to pay for the time you park and can easily extend the parking if your visit takes longer than expected.
Or buy your ticket at the ticket machine in the garage. Remember to place it clearly in the window. Always double-check that it is there when you close the car door so that the wind has not caused the ticket to blow away.

General information

Right next to Solna Centrum in Skytteholm, you can both park for a short time and rent a parking space in our garage Ametisten.
It is located between the districts of Hagalund, Råsunda and Huvudsta. With good communication to Stockholm, you can choose to park the car in the garage and continue into Stockholm by metro.
It is the blue line that takes you to Akalla, Stockholm or to the terminus Kungsträdgården.
If you choose to rent a parking space in Ametisten, you will receive a key fob that allows you to access the garage around the clock.
You get a reserved parking space, should anyone else be in your parking space, please call us and we will be able to help you.
