- Lövkojsgränd 3, 165 75 Hässelby, Sweden
- Opening hours: 06:00-23:00
Short Term: Lövkojsgränd: 2h free parking with p-skiva. Drivbänksvägen: 3 hours free parking thereafter 15 kr per half hour. Max 100 kr per day.
Long term: Unreserved parking space on Drivbänksvägen: 388 kr including VAT per month.
Long term: Reserved parking space on Drivbänksvägen 459 kr including VAT per month.
- No maxium
- 270 parking spaces
- 0 charging stations
Payment system
- Ticket machine
- App code: 17557
- P-skiva
Payment information:
On Drivbänksvägen, you can choose to pay for your parking with the App, either Parkamo, Parkster or EasyPark. It is a good solution that means that you only have to pay for the time you park and can easily extend the parking if your visit takes longer than expected.
Or buy your ticket at the ticket machine in the garage. Remember to place it clearly in the window. Always double-check that it is there when you close the car door so that the wind has not caused the ticket to blow away.
At Lövkojsgränd you park with a p-skiva. It’s good to check that it is visible in the window when you close the door.
Allmän info:
Åkermyntan centrum is a small shopping center in Hässelby villstad in western Stockholm.
Here you will find necessities such as pharmacies, grocery stores, health centers and restaurants.
There are two different parking areas to choose from, one at the front and ont at the back.